Project organization & development



Showcase and executive structure

The legal and organisational nature of the structures responsible for promoting and implementing measures to protect the environment or reduce inequalities is often inadequate, as evidenced by the countless failures in these areas by international institutions and NGOs. That is why since its creation in 2013, the NGO "International Convention for a Global Minimum Wage" has never called for donations or grants. Rather a showcase than an organization intended to structure itself, it has never considered multiplying the number of its members and increasing its operating costs, nor to raise funds and develop the program within it.

A more agile private law structure that would bring together all the competences would avoid, although collaboration with international institutions is nevertheless essential, a time consuming dispersion of missions as well as a waste of public money. After the internally funded development of the general evolving framework over the last six years and ten years if reflection on related topics are included, the executive body, composed mainly of a consulting firm, should recruit in the second stage of its preparatory phase a dedicated team of at least 15 to 20 experts in economics, finance, sustainable development, strategy and communication etc. Then the number of staff, a significant proportion of whom will carry out studies specific to each State, could reach 250 or 300 professionals during the implementation phase, but recourse to external resources in most of the countries concerned could also be required.   

Funding of the project by the global community

The completion of the studies and, more generally, the creation of conditions that will then encourage the signing of international agreements, could take several years and require an annual public financing requirement of 180/250 million dollars. However, this cost level is reasonable if we think in terms of efficiency. Indeed, the expenditure devoted each year to preserving the environment and reducing inequalities amounts to several hundred billion but the results are very questionable if we believe the UN and the populations concerned.

Structuring of the executive body   

Given the concern of the population about the environmental devastation and the redundancy of the subject of inequalities, the project, realistic and known to the main actors or institutions, could now progress rapidly. Therefore, pending a formal mandate and funding from components of the global community, we must prepare for this eventuality by beginning to structure the tool that will enable the implementation of the project. 

Francis JOURNOT - 


 Copyright © 2013 - 2019 - non profit NGO International Convention for a Global Minimum Wage & Francis Journot Fair Consulting - All rights reserved   


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